This latest version of the GES4SEAS toolbox brings a set of new features and improvements to support researchers, policymakers, and marine managers.

Valentini Stamatiadou from the University of the Aegean visited the Chalkidiki High School in Greece as part of the Blue Schools-GES4SEAS initiative to talk about tipping points in the marine environment. The presentation covered a variety of related topics, such as invasive species, overfishing, and their impacts on society.

GES4SEAS data and resources contributed to CSIC's latest policy report, which aims to offer guidance for sustainable ocean management in Spain.

GES4SEAS partner CSIC actively participated in Science Week, hosting six engaging sessions for young students

Stelios Katsanevakis from the University of the Aegean, a GES4SEAS partner, delivered a presentation at the OSPAR Non-Indigenous Species Expert Group meeting, focusing on the CIMPAL index – a tool used to assess the effects of invasive species on ecosystems.

GES4SEAS marked its presence at the 60th meeting of the Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association, under the theme "Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience"

GES4SEAS releases a new update, Toolbox Version 1.3.

GES4SEAS is proud to announce that early career researcher Sophie Schoenherr has successfully defended her master's thesis

GES4SEAS is excited to highlight a significant publication in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment journal, authored by Borja et al.

GES4SEAS project partner, Stelios Katsanevakis, presented to the Directorate D of the JCR.

The 20th edition of AZTI's Summer School was held in San Sebastián, from June 11th to 13th, under the theme: Bridging the Gap: Communicating for an Informed Society and Decision-Making

GES4SEAS will be featured at the upcoming 13th International NEOBIOTA Conference on Biological Invasions, on the workshop "Mapping and Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Invasive Alien Species: The CIMPAL Index Online Workflow"

Last week, the GES4SEAS project held its 2nd annual meeting, hosted by TUBITAK partners in Istanbul

GES4SEAS is thrilled to announce that AZTI's Summer School, an initiative currently organized under the scope of GES4SEAS project, has been honoured with the MakeEUBlue Award by the EU4Ocean coalition

GES4SEAS is proud to announce its contribution to a key report produced by NIVA Denmark for the Danish MoE.

GES4SEAS project organized a workshop focused on tool testing and the exploration of tipping points in marine ecosystems, using GES4SEAS toolbox for ecosystem-based management.

GES4SEAS is pleased to announce an upcoming online seminar for ECRs entitled "EU Grants Landscape for ECRs: How to Get in the Game"

Dr. Elena Bișinicu, from the NIMRD team involved in the GES4SEAS project, presented a poster at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference

EuropaBON recently published the Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) workflow templates, with significant contributions from members of the GES4SEAS project.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of version 1.0 of the GES4SEAS toolbox.

GES4SEAS project is happy to support the Blue Schools Olympics, an event that aims to foster a deeper connection between young minds and marine conservation.

GES4SEAS proudly announces a pioneering initiative led by the National Institute for Marine Research and Development (NIMRD) in Romania.

The GES4SEAS project had the pleasure of hosting students from the Music School of Heraklion at the HCMR labs in Crete, Greece.

The GES4SEAS project celebrates its 18-month milestone with many paramount achievements.

GES4SEAS Summer School will be hosted in San Sebastian, Spain, from June 11th to 13th, under the theme: Bridging the gap between marine science and policy: Communicating for an informed society and decision-making.

MarinePlan invites all GES4SEAS colleagues to join in on their workshop about a R-based tool designed to revolutionize 3D systematic conservation planning.

During the week of the 11th to the 15th of December 2023, the ICM hosted, once again, an ecosystem modelling course to teach participants from different institutions around the world how to use modelling techniques to study the effects of human activities and climate change on marine ecosystems

The internal CIMPAL workshop aims to address the impacts of invasive alien species in marine ecosystems through a new webservice facilitating the CIMPAL index workflow.

Sign up for Bayesian Networks course 11-15 March, 2024, in Helsinki, hosted by GES4SEAS and FutureMares

On January 11th, a meeting of the AZTI researchers, integrated on the GES4SEAS project, marked the beginning of a new year in marine ecosystem management and research

During the week of the 11th to the 15th of December 2023, the ICM hosted, once again, an ecosystem modelling course to teach participants from different institutions around the world how to use modelling techniques to study the effects of human activities and climate change on marine ecosystems

GES4SEAS project coordinator Angel Borja recently presented at the ESA-EC Science 2023 conference.

GES4SEAS project celebrates a prolific year with 13 articles published, exploring marine health, ecosystems, and sustainable management.

Professor Jacob Carstensen from Aarhus University, partner of the GES4SEAS project, was awarded the prestigious Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris 2023.

Invited as the keynote speaker, Professor Jacob Carstensen shared invaluable insights and experiences in managing eutrophication in this conference co-hosted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China Association for Science and Technology and the Provincial Government of Shandong.

GES4SEAS is one of the Horizon Europe projects organizing a five-day course on Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) that will take place from 11 to 15 December 2023.

Almost a month has passed since AZTI Summer School, and we share some highlights on the feedback survey filled out by the participants.

The AZTI Summer School 2023 held from the 5th to the 7th of June, at Aquarium of San Sebastian, Spain, brought together many experts to discuss the innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing human pressures affecting marine biodiversity.

AZTI is thrilled to announce the upcoming Summer School 2023, under the theme "Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems.

The highly anticipated annual meeting of the GES4SEAS project was held this week with a full and engaging agenda.

In Hague, the team for task 2.1 of the GES4SEAS project came together to set up the state-of-the-art of cumulative pressure impacts and ecosystem management approaches towards achieving GES within the MSFD.

On the 5th and 7th of June, the 2023 edition of AZTI’s Summer School, will be held under the theme “Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems”.

The GES4SEAS project has created a document to support a common understanding and coherent use of the Marine Strategy framework Directive (MSFD) terminology.

The kick-off meeting for Horizon Europe project GES4SEAS is taking place this week.

From the 26 to 30th of September, the kick-off meeting for the GES4SEAS project will be held in Alcalá de Henares.

On the 8th and 9th of September, the 18th edition of AZTI’s Summer School, will be held under the theme “Addressing the cumulative impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems”.